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Pray and invite the lost
Use the Prayer Guide to learn how to effectively pray for yourself, your church, the Evangelists and the lost.
Use these special nights as tools to invite the lost to this evangelistic crusade.
Sunday:Opening Night
The beginning night will be an exciting night that will help your people get a vision for what God can do in the week.
Monday:First Responders Night
Please invite police officers, firefighters, and EMS workers, as we remember 9/11. We have specific invitations for this night that you can take to the precincts and firehouses along with a gift to show our appreciation for their service.
Tuesday:Patriotic Night
We will honor those who have served or are presently serving in our military. Invite verterans who need to hear the gospel. The patriotic music will be inspiring and the message will be "Our ONLY Hope For America."
Wednesday:Youth Night
The youth (6th-12th grade who brings the most guests on this night will win a prize! Even thought this service is for everyone, a special emphasis will be given to the youth.
Thursday:Friend Night
A clear gospel message will be given this night. We will offer a free book to everyone who brings a guest. Your friend will also receive a gift.
Friday:Family Night
The children 4K through 5th grade who have participated in the Children’s Crusade will sing for the main service, and prizes will be given to the child who brought the most guests throughout the week.
This night will feature a community outreach with a clear presentation of the gospel. 
Sunday:Hope for the Future
This can be one of the most energetic services of the week as we praise God for what He has done. It is also a great beginning to believe God for greater works that He will do in the future.