Areawide Crusades Provide Hope
The only hope for America is the gospel of Jesus Christ, and the only way America will hear the gospel is for the churches to be revived! These areawide crusades challenge churches to come together to seek revival and to preach the gospel in a neutral location. The unsaved are also more likely to attend a service in a neutral location.
Scores of Lives have been changed!
It was worth it to see souls saved every night, and many coming to know Christ after many years of prayer. Having our crusade in a neutral location, under a tent, brought many people, who may have never come, into a church setting.
There is much more that could be said, but the fact is, any sacrifice made on behalf of the crusade is well worth it!
Pastor John LeathermanDuncansville, PA 
People from different churches and all neighborhoods came together to worship our Lord and Savior. The plan of salvation was given very clearly every evening, I am praying that the crusade can come back to our area again!
Kent FlukeHolidaysburg, PA 
I never saw that many people in one place for a meeting and I never saw God work so mightily in hearts as He did that week! He certainly showed this preacher great and mighty things that I had heard of but had never seen.
I truly believe the Hope for America Crusade is something that I will talk about the rest of my life.
Pastor Erik LingenfelterClaysburg, PA 
What a great way to bring a community together! With so many churches involved, we were able to cover a 5-county area.
My sister, at age 74, accepted the Lord as her Savior the final night of the crusade!
Darrell SnareMartinsburg, PA
The Hope For America Crusade was an answer to my prayers. Many times, I have pleaded with God to heal our land spiritually and raise u pleaders and laborers to bring our nation back to God. God has given Brother Chris Miller that desire and vision.
Every night of the crusade we saw souls walking the aisles to place their faith in Jesus Christ and others to rededicate their lives to the Lord. Praises were lifted to God through the preaching and music. God's hand was indeed upon this work!
Eileen SnareMartinsburg, PA
Though our church was a 30-minute drive from the meeting, our church family was excited to volunteer and get involved each night. The clear preaching of Evangelist Chris Miller stirred our hearts to boldly share the Gospel.
Pastor Frank FinneyFranklin, IN 
It was a joy serving together with so many Christians from different churches for the purpose of lifting up Jesus Christ. During the crusade, we had not only church members come, but also unsaved friends and even people who came because they saw the signs or were just curious. Many decisions were made!
Jeremiah BinghamMooresville, IN